Because of the gold found in cattle


 Because of the gold found in cattle

 The truth about what is said to be found in slaughtered cattle and sold at wild prices.

 In the prince's reign

 What exactly is gold?

 What is actually being sold as gold found in cattle is the gallstones that are found in the gall bladder of cattle and have a golden, orange or yellow appearance.  In our country, it is sold by brokers under different regional names and sought from cattle breeders.  For example, it is called Bokeh in some RC circles.  The price varies according to the quality level, various data suggest that one kilogram of good quality Bokeh sells for more than four million birr.  Bokeh is used as a medicinal spice in some countries, especially China.  Bokeh can be prepared by humans outside of cattle, but the most sought after is naturally obtained from the gall bladder of cattle.  Its special name in English is calculus bovis.

 Don't touch and pull.

 The gallbladder should be strained to separate the gallstones or bile from the liquid bile by carefully opening the gallbladder and turning it over a fine mesh sieve.  Next, it is necessary to rinse the obtained boke with cold water to remove the remaining liquid bile, and we do this so that it does not break or crumble when we dry the boke.  After this, until we offer it to the market, it is necessary to keep the Bokeh carefully in a well-ventilated place in a plastic or cardboard box that lets in air well in all directions (it is dry around it).  Bokeh will spoil if exposed to direct sunlight, wrapped in moisture and stored in a damp cloth, so it should be kept in a dark and windy place between 17 and 24 degrees Celsius.  If possible, it is preferable to keep it in the dark with a ventilator to dry it.

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